MPLS / St Paul Magazine // Holiday Entertaining

So, I'm a little late on this blog post, but the good news is that we're in the prime season for holiday entertaining, so this article is still relevant! For the November issue of MPLS / St Paul Magazine, I photographed the main feature, which is all about dining and entertaining for the holidays! For this shoot, we created four different tablescapes to inspire our readers! We were on location at Parlour, Butcher and the Boar, and some private homes to photograph these sets and it was a blast! Even though the issue is off of newsstands, check out the article online! pg 74-89.indd pg 74-89.indd pg 74-89.indd pg 74-89.indd pg 74-89.indd pg 74-89.indd pg 74-89.indd pg 74-89.indd2